eHostel Management Software

- Maintaing studenthub.
- Taking customized report of all Students based on requirement.
- Saving photos of each student and displaying it in different reports.
- Managing Different types Of Fee: Hostel Fee.
- Giving Concession.
- Generating Fee Receipts both A4 size and POS.
- Generating different types of Fee Reports like feepaidlist,feeduelist,fee ledger summary for each student etc.,
- Sending FeePaidSMS,FeeDueSMS.
- FeeDueLabel Print.
- Generating MiniBalance Sheet.
Dhobi Fee.
Doctor Fee.
Haircut Fee.
Other Fee.
Misc Fee.
Previous Balance.
Deposit Etc.,
- Enrollment SMS.
- Fee Paid SMS.
- Fee Due SMS.
- Automaic Birthday SMS.
- Schedule SMS.
- Providing High Security.
- Making 100% data Availablity.
- Maintaing Different Roles And Privileges.