College Management Software (eCollege)

Important Features
- Capturing student demographics including photo
- Generating Bonafide certificate
- Generating TC : TC of a Student can not be generated if he/she has fee due.
- Duplicate TC will be generated only through Admin Password.
- Birthday SMS.
- Customized student reports.
- Studentinfo HUB.
- Attendance Booking
- Sending SMS to absentee parents
- Fee collection and issuing Receipt through system. SMS alert will be sent to the parent instantly.
- Covered all structured , unstructured and old student fees.
- Different types of mode of payments like Cash, Cheque, Online etc
- Capturing Fee Concession and Scholarship.
- RTF and MTF indicators will show on the student fee form while taking fee.
- Taking fee and generating receipt will take only 6 to 8 seconds.
- Instant display of fee due and fee payment history of selected student.
- Automatic carry forward of Previous year balance to the Current year.
- Automatic credit of of Previous Balance when paying current year fee
- Automatic carry forward of Outgoing student fee due to old student fee due.
- Generating different types of Fee Reports like feepaidlist,feeduelist,fee ledger summary for each student etc.,
- After generating fee receipt operator cannot change it. Admin has to send change request through official email to our support. All such requests will be recorded.
- Fee Due report for entire college can be generated in few seconds.
- Fee Due SMS can be sent to the parents in fee seconds through system with student name and amount.
- Day cash report with abstracts like Fee Type wise , Mode of Payment wise, Cashier wise.
- Capturing Head-wise Expenses
- Printing Debit Voucher
- Head wise expenses recording – issue of debit voucher.
- Day cash SMS to partners.
- Creating Customized Exams. Entering exam time table data.
- Generating hall tickets with photo.
- Entering marks.
- Sending marks in the form of SMS.
- Printing Report card.
- Enquiry SMS
- Admission SMS
- Absentee SMS
- Fee Paid SMS
- Fee Due SMS
- Birthday SMS
- Marks SMS
- Group SMS reg Holidays or Bandh
- Rolls and Privileges: Management can define what forms are to be opened for each user.
- Logs: Application will write logs with Computer Name Username, Time and Activity.
- GUI: Application will work on internet but appears like desktop application.
- More secured as it is not browser based.
- Library module
- Mobile Admission form for Android Tabs or Mobiles linked with College Software.
- Mobile App to know live receipts total from anywhere in the world.
- Account surveillance system.
- Websites and Online Fee Payment system.
- Our Support center will be Open Monday to Saturday from 9AM to 6 PM for any help.
- All Support Calls will be tracked
- Please call 9963659358 and Schedule ONLINE demo
- Management has to Provide the following:
- Signed Agreement
- Basic Student Information on Excel file(We Email Blank Excel file)
- Logos and College Building Image
- Void Receipt
- Advance Money
- Installation will be done within 4 business days after receiving the above
- Kick-Off Call will be made Online after installation